Capacity Flooding as a Competitive Response in the Airline Industry
This past spring, I took a class in college at the University of Chicago on Industrial Organization, which essentially is...
This past spring, I took a class in college at the University of Chicago on Industrial Organization, which essentially is...
© 2025 — Air Travel Analysis
What you have to do: Fill out the form below by answering a few simple questions. Enter your name (can be a nickname), your e-mail address, your origin and destination, whether you are traveling one way or round trip, your preferred airline (if you have one), what the price range is, low cost or full service, and how many miles for what airlines you have.
What I will do: I will search multiple online booking platforms. I will then compare multiple airlines and find the cheapest flights for you which get the most out of your money. I will then send an e-mail to you detailing my findings. The best part: it’s free of charge!