Photos: EAA Airventure – Oshkosh
On Thursday, July 26th, I had the pleasure of attending the EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) Airventure in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. For those of you who don’t know, thousands of pilots of small planes throughout the entire United States fly in to Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh to showcase their aircraft over 1 week. During the EAA Airventure, Wittman Regional Airport becomes one of, if not the busiest airport in the entire world during the airshow in terms of the number of arrivals and departures. Additionally, there are other exhibits at Oshkosh featuring home built airplanes, war birds from WWII, water bombers, helicopters, private jets, talks with people in aviation related jobs, and current military aircraft. There are also multiple airshows featuring aircraft flying in formation, military aircraft doing loud flybys, and people parachuting out of helicopters while doing tricks.
While I am really just a commercial aviation enthusiast, Oshkosh was along the way on a road trip we are on now, so we definitely could not skip it. I was a bit disappointed that there were no commercial airplanes at the airshow (besides Cessnas and Beechcraft, which are sometimes used as commercial aircraft), as I really am not much of a General/Military Aviation person. However, I did end up loving the event, as any type of aviation enthusiast can appreciate seeing many types of unique aircraft and watching skilled pilots do tricks in the sky. Unfortunately, we did not schedule an entire day to visit the airshow, so we only had a couple of hours to visit the airshow, which is not enough. Many people spend up to the full week there; I could have spent at least 2 full days there, due to the large expanse of the airshow.
During the event, we saw modern military aircraft, old war birds, multiple flyovers, and many personal general aviation aircraft. They advertise leisure flights in a Ford Tri-Motor (which I would have loved to have done) though unfortunately we arrived at the wrong time, so the area where you can buy tickets for the Ford Tri-Motor was already closed. Please enjoy the pictures and videos that I took at the 2018 EAA Airventure in Oshkosh below!

C5 Galaxy

Twin Prop


That Same C5 Galaxy

Inside the C5


CL-215 Water-bomber

View of Personal Aircraft

Private Jet

Pipistrel Aircraft

Helicopter (tour)


F16 (I think)

Oshkosh Control Tower

A twin-prop aircraft

Homebuilts Area

(Unknown) Aircraft Flying in Formation

C17 in the Distance

Military Aircraft Taking Off

A Row of Warbirds